iRobot App Not Working – Fix In These Quick Simple Steps

Are you wondering why the iRobot app not working ? Or do not know how to manage the Roomba remotely without having it? Here’s how to solve any issues that you might be having using Roomba’s mobile application. Roomba smartphone app.

We live in a technological age in which communication, business and everything else in between can be done wirelessly. From smartphones with modern technology as well as vacuum cleaners the latest technology is sweeping across the globe, and the iRobot Roomba is just one device that can make an easy task of the tedious job which is cleaning your home.

Created to function autonomously as a silent cleaning warrior The Roomba is built to charge itself and even self-clean dependent on the model that you purchase. A significant portion of the Roomba’s functions are tied with the iRobot Home app, which allows you to draw out the floor area as well as view more information regarding your Roomba vacuum, schedule cleaning schedules, and many more.

How to Resolve iRobot App Problems with Working

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The complete list of tested and tested solutions available, here’s how could be done to bring the Roomba app running once more.

Solutions #1: Force Closing the app

For the iRobot app for iOS:

Hit the Home button of your iPhone or swipe up to reveal your home screen (iPhone older than X).
Press the Home button twice (or swipe up and hold the iPhone X and newer) to open the background applications.

Explore the app list by shifting to the left or right, until you come across your iRobot Home app. Tap the app screen to force it to close.

For the iRobot app for Android:

  • Go into your Settings App on the Android phone.
  • Scroll down to locate Applications or Application Manager from the list of available services.
  • In the app’s menu you can scroll down to locate iRobot Home and tap on it.
  • Click the Force Stop button and confirm your move.

Solution 2 – Verify for connectivity

Check that both your mobile phone and Roomba are connected to the same wireless connection.

Test an alternative device for testing the connection, and confirm that it’s functioning.

Check that you ensure that the Roomba along with Home Base docking station and Home Base docking station are located near to the wireless router to ensure maximum coverage of the signal.

Solution #3 Reconnect Roomba to the iRobot App

Reset your Roomba

Roomba S & I Series:Press and hold the CLEAN button on your Roomba for 20 minutes. The bin lid will then wait for the LED light to turn on clockwise and white.

Roomba 700and 800 and 900 series:Press then hold down the CLEAN button at least 10 seconds. After that, the robot will play a tone of reboot, signalling that the device has been reset.

Second Step: Remove and install the iRobot App

on iOS: Find the iRobot Home icon on the home screen. press and hold it until all icons of the app start shaking. Click the red uninstall button in the icon for the app and confirm the action.

on Android: Press and hold the icon of the app until you can see the Uninstall option. Similar to that, drag the icon for the app to the top of the screen, then drop it onto the Uninstall button to uninstall it.

After having an Roomba reset complete with the App installed make sure you set up everything exactly as you did the first time.

  • Start the iRobot Home app and make sure that the Bluetooth is turned on.
  • Create your Roomba name and ensure that your device is within coverage of the wireless network.
  • Choose the Wi-Fi network that you wish to connect your Roomba to join, and create the WiFi password.
  • Set the Roomba at its bottom, and press to hold Home as well as Clean buttons until you get a sound.
  • Make sure to confirm this action in the mobile app. Wait until the Roomba to be connected to your mobile application.


Although the app is receiving lots of support from the manufacturer, with frequent updates however, it’s not immune to glitches and can crash occasionally. A number of iRobot Roomba customers have reported that the app is often inoperable and sometimes does not connect to robotic vacuums and here’s a step-by-step guide to resolve the issue.

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